Thursday, April 24, 2008

Apr-24 Struggling?

I think many of you are struggle on whether to sell CAF now as we have around 30% again now based on pre-market. For stock like CAF, you know have ER to spike, so I think it is always better to hold for a decided target and wait for another chance. Nobody knows how A share market will act tomorrow, but most people believes the rebound will be over 4000. To my personal opinion, a gap-filling is possible in next week but I hold for target 4800 for Shanghai Index. The reason is simple, the gvmt wants the stock to rise before Olympics to show the strength of Chinese economy. 3000 is confirmed bottom, for those still are out of the boat, jump in when Shanghai fills the today's gap. However, feel free to take some profit off the table if you are heavily loaded.

For Hong Kong market, I just like the way it rises little but H shares spike with A share. Indeed, H shares with quite low PE which does not look like an emerging market. Be steady, watch stocks that didn't spike yet, such as CHU, CN, CHA for the next round.

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