Thursday, April 17, 2008

Apr-17 New Picks [TTM] and [PTNR]

TTM has both swing and long term holding potential. For several months swing, I would say current price around 15.5 is a buying point with target 18 and stop loss 52 week low of 14.71. Risk is quite limited. TATA group just purchased Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford, I would say for long term holding, it is also a good choice. PE 12 is somehow low for a BRIC country, I hope to see PE 15 some points this year.

PTNR is a Isareal telecommunication company. Recently mid-east countries began to realize they can not rely on oil forever, the other aspects of their economy is booming. Although PNTR is not an Abrabian company but I would say it could still benefit from booming of cities in UAE and Aman.This is a long term holding for over 1 year.

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