Saturday, August 8, 2009

AUG-08 A View on the Markets

My friends, it has been so long that I came back to think about write something. Life is turning around. Work is busier, time is always less than needed. Previously I was thinking about to go to financial industry but recently I got some suggestions from friends so I decided to stay cool for another couple of years.

Hopefully, you've been enjoying the recent bull-run of the market and certainly writing about the past is useless and we need to focus on the future. One thing I can say and is different from the media is that the economy is far away from recovery, but this does not mean the stock market is heading south next week. Looking back the past bear markets, every bear markets had a V shape rebound or ticker-shape back to the 60% from peak to low, that means 11300 for DOW and 1200 for S&P 500. Don't argue with me that I am too optimistic - just open the chart for the past 100 years and look it by yourself, and you will find in many cases for bear markets, the rebounds were even higher than 60% and ranged from 90%-100%!

Some tips: Hot sectors are still the same: technology and commodity. Weak sectors are healthcare and media press. Finally, buy China.

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