Wednesday, August 19, 2009

AUG-19 随便聊两句关于大盘预测







现在可以基本确定我第一段的预测是错误的了。冲高后的收缩三角7成以上是要继续趋势向上,可是这次没有,那么现在就是应该做反方向的操作了,因为说明向下的动能很大。具体操作,比如现在CAC 3430这个位置,可以轻仓做空,止损位置在比今日高点略高,向下突破时候加仓做空。亏的可能是12点,赚的可能也许就是60点了。和期货市场一起看,就发现今天的commodity期货非常疲软,外汇来看,美元走强,所以也是符合这个趋势的。宏观来看,中国市场大跌,原材料基本现在是中国市场为主要定价,所以应该会跟随且放大中国市场的走势。今日沪铜沪铝全线下挫,也符合这个操作的可能。那么如果CAC刚才确实突破向上了怎么办呢?很简单,市场不明朗,不操作,等待信号。

Monday, August 17, 2009

AUG-17 Correction

I still think this downtrend is a correction for now, but keep in mind it is still possible going to create another bottom for the market. This depends whether some resistences work well and how the economic data show, like durable good orders this month and nonfarm payroll next month.
Is there a straight leg to the hell? Of course not, rebound is always at the corner. I believe 8900 for DOW is a strong resistence and only gap down is an easier way to break it. Please be advised there is nothing we can do in August. Just relax and take a break, we will see what we can do back for the new semester. :)
Oil is heading down and USD is heading up. Bearish commodity ETF and Treasury Bonds ETF are good ways to hedge your long positions.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

AUG-15 股票是如何定价的




  1. C为什么现在卖4美元一股,这个股价是怎么计算出来的?
  2. ACH ADR是如何定价的,期货价格怎么样影响其盈利?
  3. 能否解释一下WDC的股价特殊性以及和WDC哪一个基本面相关?


  1. CCI和RSI的异同和各自特点,使用环境?
  2. BBands两个参数的含义?
  3. DMI那几条线的建模方式?
  4. VIX是如何计算出来的?


Friday, August 14, 2009

AUG-15 Some TA Charts

Today I would let charts talk.

Chart 1 Base Metal Index:
  • M head
  • Lower-lows
  • First target 220-230
  • Match with dollar rebound
  • Match with recent selling off of Chinese A share and its base metal stocks
Chart 2 Gold:
  1. Shoulder and Head Top
  2. First target 930 then 910
  3. Match with dollar rebound
Chart 3 SP500 Daily Candle Stick - Bearish signals:
  1. MA 5 and 10 dead cross
  2. MACD dead cross
  3. Topping pattern in Chinese 孕十字星
  4. Two while stick in two black stick 二阴包二阳
  5. Target Fib. rtr 960
  6. Inverse match with dollar rebound
Chart 4 US Dollar Index
  • A reverse shoulder and head bottom is forming.
  • First target 80.7 around month-end

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

AUG-12 Fed Rate Decision

Just forward my message sent to some of my friends this morning.

I feel it's very likely today Fed won't change rates but will cite the economy is in faster recovery phase, may hint Fed will hike rates by year-end or so. This may bring up USD for short-term, till end of August.

Actually to me everything matches. Metal price are now too high to avoid a correction. Everyone knows inflation so the market maker should teach retailer investors a lesson by bring down the broad commodity price. Also, for stocks, 9300-9400 for DOW is a major resistance, to form a V shape recovery by an inverse head-and-shoulder bottom, there should be a symmetric correction back to 8800-8900 area, which also tells us a USD recovery and commodity price down.

Another indicators are IBs usually upgrade stocks and target price, major news paper tell people "this is beginning of the bull market". Of couse, they are not cheating if you look back a year later, but for now... Normally August should be a quite piggy market as most people going for vacation, so a mild correction is reasonable.

If the market is crazy, it is also possible that DOW have new high today or tomorrow, then I am wrong, which is quite unlikely by looking at A share now.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

AUG-08 A View on the Markets

My friends, it has been so long that I came back to think about write something. Life is turning around. Work is busier, time is always less than needed. Previously I was thinking about to go to financial industry but recently I got some suggestions from friends so I decided to stay cool for another couple of years.

Hopefully, you've been enjoying the recent bull-run of the market and certainly writing about the past is useless and we need to focus on the future. One thing I can say and is different from the media is that the economy is far away from recovery, but this does not mean the stock market is heading south next week. Looking back the past bear markets, every bear markets had a V shape rebound or ticker-shape back to the 60% from peak to low, that means 11300 for DOW and 1200 for S&P 500. Don't argue with me that I am too optimistic - just open the chart for the past 100 years and look it by yourself, and you will find in many cases for bear markets, the rebounds were even higher than 60% and ranged from 90%-100%!

Some tips: Hot sectors are still the same: technology and commodity. Weak sectors are healthcare and media press. Finally, buy China.